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The CD Clarity Process

In 1988 I did extensive research with the help of five physicists to define the effects of a color marking pen around the perimeter of a CD. When I gave Craig Dory of Dorian Recordings a special color pen he tried it and "heard a difference," but wanted more details. As the "Audiophile industry" tried the edge treatment, many reviewers thought the idea to be "witchcraft." However, after a few months of debate, this special color marking pen was considered an important contribution to the audio enjoyment of CD musical reproduction. Now, some nine years later, this amazing marking pen is the standard, used by millions of Audiophiles to improve the sonic reproduction of CD's.

As time passed, I remembered that the research told me that not only was the clear polybarbonate surface microscopically not smooth, but was also not totally clear. Since the laser puts a light beam through the polycarbonate surface, a percentage of the laser beam was lost in the reflection of its light on the surface of the polycarbonate, but also a loss of the beam occurred as it penetrated the interior of the polycarbonate surface. The special marking pen simply absorbed the "Scattered light" internally in the polycarbonate thickness or membrane. The special marking pen keeps the polycarbonate membrane more transparent and less opaque, due to the light beam of the laser. Another problem is that as time passes the surface of the disc gets small scratches, which diminish the optical transparency. A similar situation occurs when the eyeglasses get scratched, they not only don't keep the image quality sharp, but also reduce the incoming brightness to the eye.

CD Clarity was specifically developed to address the specific problems of CD's, LD's, CD ROM's and DVD's. Since all of these digital software mediums share the same polycarbonate coating, they could all be improved with the same product. First our "fluid" had to be a good cleaner. When discs are manufactured there is a slight amount of a chemical or substance on the surface to make it release at the manufacturing process. Not only did we want to clean this chemical off the surface, but also we wanted to allow the discs to be cleaned more frequently, because CD ROM's and DVD's have more information to be read, and they must be kept cleaner. We also wanted to add a chemical to fill small "holes" or scratches on the surface to improve the optical characteristics of the polycarbonate. So we added a "dry film Protectant" to smooth the surface and allow a more intense laser light to "spot light" the area to be read. As we went through chemical analysis we also noted that a wetting agent helped spread the fluid more easily and produced a more evenly distributed coating.

Then we noted that there were static "hot spots on the discs." These were produced when the discs were in their jewel cases and slid in and out of storage, or when they were allowed to slide against other jewel cases on either side. We then added an anti-static chemical to remove the "hot spots" So that the static charge of the disc became evenly distributed. This doesn't seem important, but after careful experiments it was noted that the laser lens is plastic as well as most of the laser housing, and it was possible to make the laser move according to the "hot spots" on the disc. The anti-static chemical simply ensures the laser of such solid stability, that when the laser focuses it does not change.

All the characteristics of "CD Clarity" promote improved frequency response, more detail, a better staging of instrumentals, less noise, better transients, and better dynamic range. The digital harness associated with some CD's and DVD's is softened, and produces a smoother more analog musical experience. Along with all the sonic benefits, is the dry film protectant's ability to fill in the "holes" and small scratches. When you use "CD Clarity" it coats the disc and helps to protect the disc against future scratches. As you use "CD Clarity" it will also improve the tracking on discs previously scratched that either skipped or didn't play at all.

The recommended usage and application is to spray "CD Clarity" on the shiny playing surface of the disc (not the side with the writing) and remove with a soft cotton cloth. Sometimes it is better to use one area of the cloth to spread the fluid around for three or four rotations, then use a new area of the cloth to completely remove the left over fluid. You only need to use "CD Clarity" once to clean, fill, and protect your investment in your audio and video digital library. However, if you want optimum results because of the anti-static chemical then spray each time you sit down to listen critically or watch a movie. When your discs become fingerprinted and you want to clean them again use "CD Clarity;" it will not build op or smudge upon repeated applications.

We also recommend you use our new "special marking pen" named simply the "CD Clarity Pen," which I believe to be the perfect absorber of scattered light remaining on the disc. Application of the "CD Clarity Pen" is also unique when compared to all other edge type treatments. Simply remove the cab and you will notice a "notch" in the edge of the face. This "notch" goes over the outside edge of the disc, and by simply holding the pen and rotating the disc you will easily coat the outer edge. Now put the "notch" inside the hole of the disc and coat the inside edge. We also want to coat approximately a 1/8-inch line on each side of the disc around the center of the hole. One application is all that is needed for a lifetime. This completes your "CD Clarity Process" and offers the maximum digital retrieval of your musical and video library.

You may use "CD Clarity" on discs with any edge treatment products; however, we recommend that on new discs use the "CD Clarity Pen" first, then the "CD Clarity" surface treatment to remove any fingerprints acquired during the application of the edge treatment. Be careful to not let the "CD Clarity Pen" touch the digital discs playing surface, or you will need to polish or buff the surface with a very fine polishing compound, such as those used for plastic windshields for motorcycles or boats. Incidentally, if you have scratched discs that will still not track or play perfectly after applying "CD Clarity" and the "CD Clarity Pen" then use the plastic polish to remove the scratch by a small application with a soft cloth. But only use strokes when buffing from the inside hole towards the outside edge, never buff in a circular motion around the disc because the information is circular and you will make narrow buffing marks when you move inside to out. These marks from inside to out are narrow and will not affect tracking, but long circular buffing marks can cause loss of digital information.

The "CD Clarity Process" will astound and delight you as you experience the improvement in our audio or video system, remembering that you have also protected your audio and video library for years of enjoyment.

As you now understand the operation of digital retrieval from a laser read disc is not an easy process. The more information that can be read and processed, the better the reproduced musical and video experience will be recreated. The "CD Clarity Process" will enhance your laser discs reading ability to allow more digital data to be processed.



Dave Herren, Owner

Innovative Audio Products

Portland, Oregon

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