Grado Headphones Modifications
Grado Headphones were always a favorite product of Stereo Dave's. In fact, he listed listening to a reference pair of their headphones as one of his top life experiences (his marriage to his wife of course making the list). Grado Labs is a small family-owned business in Brooklyn, New York. They make quality products such as cartridges and headphones that are manufactured in-house, thus, maintaining a high level of quality and authenticy of product. Though, fairly affordable, they are renowned as making some of the most transparent and detailed headphones and cartridges in the country. We now have access to entire Grado product line including various phono cartridges, and all makes and models of headphones. Prices on headphones range from $49 for the IGrado headphones to $295 for the SR 325 series and upwards of $995 for the reference series. I personally own and demo a pair of SR 125 series headphones ($150) and am quite pleased with the quite excellent transparency and clarity that they bring to the music. We also do offer modifications on all levels of headphones, which extend the high and low frequency response of the headphones. Please call for pricing and availability.