Stereo Dave's Audio Alternative Introduces New Speaker Models
Unique Design and Construction:
When comparing the technological advances in audio and video, it becomes very apparent that video has improved exponentially over the past dozen years, while audio has essentially , fundamentally stayed the same. There may be new cabinet materials, exotic tweeter and speaker materials, but the same basic design has been around for 50 years if not longer. There are often at least two speakers, a large cabinet and a cumbersome electronic crossover that tell each speaker when to fire, but can never be perfectly time aligned, as one driver always has to fire first. There is also many times a tweeter that adds a slightly metallic hue to the sound to one degree or another. This fundamental reliance on old archaic technology has resulted in speakers that are out of phase, which translates into a wooley, unclear, imprecise, non-live sound. In other words, a speaker that sounds like a speaker, and not like live music or live sound in movies. A speaker sound that most people are almost conditioned to accept…
The alternative to the multi-driver speaker crossover system is a single driver speaker or point source monitor. Although, this has been been the fabled unicorn of the high end audio world for quite some time, it has rarely, if ever, been implemented well. Through Dave’s work on this design and our own period of 12 yrs working on them, we have developed a design that not only is implemented properly, but provides exceptional sound, fulfilling all the promises of that design.
Our single-driver / cone technology allows for wider dispersion and stage width than older technology multi-driver are capable of. This crossoverless driver creates a large musical presentation and picture, while retaining superb spatial location and clarity. This design gives the speakers an even more life-like, transparent quality, while having better mid-bass response and presence. The highs extend further, therefore giving better location, clarity, and more "air" and space to the sound. Read more about why our optimally designed and performing single driver speaker is really superior to other speakers
The cabinets now made with a high luster, thick, dense acrylic. Special care has been taken with dense inner cabinet material, and with further modifications inside the speaker box for optimal acoustical properties. While being thick, the new cabinet material is also very light. It gives the speakers an even more life-like, transparent quality, while having better mid-bass response and presence. The highs extend further, therefore giving better location, clarity, and more "air" and space to the sound.
Read the comments by Robert Harley of the Absolute Sound from the Rocky Mountain Audiofest
Talk to a Real Knowledgeable Person
Many people find it preferable before purchasing audio equipment to talk to an actual person who has knowledge on the product, as well knowledge on speaker design, numerous characteristics of different brands of audio equipment and doesn't just tell them that "it all sounds the same." With our products, you can talk to the person who does our modifications and custom builds our speakers directly. Call Sean at
. You can also make an appointment to receive a call at the time and number of your choosing either by phone or email.
Creation 4.0 Speakers 
Audiophile Sound In The Palm Of Your Hand
We spent a year designing, constructing, and voicing the Creation 4.0 speaker. Our goal was to make a small, compact speaker, which presents large, powerful sound , and a large expansive sound stage, while having exceptional clarity and transparency. We felt we could do this with our unique cabinet and single driver design. We also wanted a rich mid range. After a year, we have achieved these goals by making a speaker which uses a small 4 inch driver, that with a very small foot print, produces an amazingly big, clear sound. Despite their small size, they control a subwoofer very well. For a fuller sound, these speakers are made to be mated with a very quick subwoofer depending the application.
Dimensions: 7 in / 5 in / 5 in Retail Price: $975 plus shipping and handling

6.5 Speakers Utilizing an extremely fast 6.5-inch modified single driver we achieve excellent transient response and imaging, while capturing a fuller midrange and mid-base sound than our 4 inch speakers model. While having all the virtues of the Creation 4.0 Speakers, the Creation 6.5 Reference Speakers add to those positive sound characteristics with a larger, richer sound presentation. The bottom end extends lower and the top end extends higher. This speaker also a slightly smoother, warmer character. The bass response is more textured and deeper as compared to it’s 4 inch sibling. For ultimate bass depth, slam, and power, these speakers are made to be mated with a very fast subwoofer depending the application. We have listened to speakers ranging from …. . Because of aforementioned advanced design features, we feel that these speakers, combined with a subwoofer, could be the best speakers, you will ever listen to.
Dimensions: 12 in / 8.5 in / 8.5 in Retail Price: $975 with plus shipping and handling
Item Sales and Clearance Models
See our sales page for some of our current sales and clearance models.